Iraq War: 2003 Web Archive

Document Type



Part of the Library of Congress Web Archives, this archive contains selective collection of 231 Web sites, archived beginning on March 13, 2003 related to the Iraq War. Included in the archive are websites from the U.S. and foreign governments, public policy and advocacy groups, educational organizations, religious organizations, support groups for military personnel, anti-war groups, sites that target children, and news sources. The Iraq War Web archive consists of three phases of collection: the first phase, a weekly capture, began on March 13, 2003 with the commencement of the war and ended June 30, 2003. Phase 1 has been processed and is available from this site. Phase 2 is a weekly capture and covers December 2003 to December 2004. Phase 3, also a weekly capture, was begun in January 2005 and is ongoing (archives from these later phases are not yet available).

Publication Date

