"Transitional Justice in Post-Saddam Iraq & Iraqi Jurists' Association" by Working Group on Transitional Justice in Iraq

Transitional Justice in Post-Saddam Iraq & Iraqi Jurists' Association

Document Type



This report, dated March 2003, is the product of the Working Group on Transitional Justice of the Future of Iraq Project (Working Group), which worked in cooperation with the Iraqi Jurists’Association. Comprised primarily of prominent former Iraqi judges, lawyers and law professors, the Working Group embarked on this project in July 2002 in consultation with international experts in the areas of international criminal law, truth and reconciliation, post-conflict justice and military reform. The resulting Transitional Justice Plan is aimed at transforming an unstable and chaotic state, caused by a dictatorship with a legacy of gross human rights abuses, to a democratic pluralistic system which respects the rule of law.

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