18thConnect: Eighteenth-Century Scholarship Online
Document Type
This site is an aggregator of digital resources that provide a comprehensive research environment for scholars working on the literature, history, the fine arts, and philosophy of the long eighteenth century (1660-1800). According to the website, “Our main concerns are: Access via plain-text searching for all scholars to open access and proprietary and digital archives including EEBO and ECCO even if their institutions are unable to afford those resources; Peer- review of the growing number of digital resources and archives for which 18thConnect offers an online finding aid; Reflection on Best Practices with scholars who are negotiating new modes of publication and scholarly production.”
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Recommended Citation
Center of Digital Humanities Research, Texas A&M University, and Auburn University, "18thConnect: Eighteenth-Century Scholarship Online" (2011). AALL Legal Website of the Month. 164.