EUR-LEX: Access to European Union Law

Document Type



EUR-Lex contains more than 50,000 pages of EU law covering external relations, secondary and supplementary legislation, and a series of non-binding acts, including all Official Journal issues of the last 45 days, EU treaties, recent judgements of the Court of Justice and consolidated legal acts.

The following EU legal documents are available at the EUR-Lex Website.

  • Treaties
  • Legal acts from EU institutions
  • Preparatory documents related to EU legislation
  • EU case-law
  • International agreements
  • EFTA documents
  • References to national case-law related to EU law

How to use EUR-Lex

EUR-Lex offers a wide range of options to search within its various collections as well as numerous functions catering to different needs. You can also view up to three linguistic versions of the same document simultaneously. Furthermore, you can create a user account to customize the website to your specific needs and benefit from extra features.

Publication Date

