Mental Illness Policy Org.

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Mental Illness Policy Org. was founded in 2011 by DJ Jaffe who was credited with passing NY’s Kendra’s Law and played a major role in passing certain provisions of the Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act that were eventually incorporated in the 21st Century CURES Act. The issues facing the seriously mentally ill differ from the problems that affect the much broader population of people who have issues like anxiety and mild depression. The needs of the seriously ill often get lost in the larger dialogue about mental health. Mental Illness Policy Org. brings together the best research and insights from writers and researchers around the world who have studied serious mental illness, and synthesizes their scholarship into actionable policies designed to improve care, save money, and keep public and patients safe. Difference between Mental Illness Policy Org. and other organizations Mental Illness Policy Org. focuses on serious mental illness, not mental health.

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