Children's Bureau

Document Type



The Children’s Bureau (CB) is the first federal agency within the U.S. Government-and in fact, the world. The CB partners with federal, state, tribal and local agencies to improve the overall health and well-being of our nation’s children and families. Within an annual budge, the bureau provides support and guidance to programs that focus on:

  • Strengthening families and preventing child abuse and neglect
  • Protecting children when abuse or neglect has occurred
  • Ensuring that every child and youth has a permanent family or family connection

The Bureau also participates in a variety of projects, including:

  • Providing guidance on federal law, policy and program regulations
  • Funding essential services, helping states and tribes operate every aspect of their child welfare systems
  • Supporting innovation through competitive, peer-reviewed grants for research and program development
  • Offering training and technical assistance to improve child welfare service delivery
  • Monitoring child welfare services to help states and tribes achieve positive outcomes for children and families
  • Sharing research to help child welfare professionals improve their services

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