"Footnote Online Supplement: State Truancy Law Compilation" by Dean H. Rivkin

College of Law Faculty Scholarship

Publication Date

Fall 10-2013


This compilation of state truancy laws is being provided as a footnote supplement to the forthcoming article No Child Left Behind? Representing Youth and Families in Truancy Matters (2013) by Prof. Dean Hill Rivkin and Brenda McGee, of The Education Law Practicum at the University of Tennessee College of Law. It is an updated version of the laws listed in the Juvenile Law Center’s excellent amicus curiae brief in Bellevue School District v. E.S., Brief of Juvenile Law Center, et al., As Amicus Curiae on Behalf of Respondent, Bellevue Sch. Dist. v. E.S., 257 P.3d 570 (Wash. 2011) (No. 83024-0), available at http://‌www.‌jlc.‌org/‌legal-‌docket/‌bellevue-‌school-‌district-‌v-‌es (click on link for “Related Content”).
