"Appalachian Oil Company, Inc.: A Company's Journey After Running Out o" by Allison S. Jackson, Raymond G. Lewallen Jr. et al.

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2010


When Appalachian Oil Company, Inc. filed for Chapter 11 protection on February 9, 2009, it marked the end of an era for a company with more than eighty-six years of experience in the petroleum products industry. The company’s failure was attributable to a couple of factors, including the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression and a parasitic parent company. The combination of a lack of operating income and access to credit rendered the company insolvent and unable to continue its operations. Appalachian Oil Company, Inc.’s journey through Chapter 11, however, was unique in that it never reemerged; rather, the company used the forum for liquidation in lieu of reorganizing or converting the case to one under Chapter 7. This case study investigates and chronicles the factors that induced Appalachian Oil Company, Inc. to file a Chapter 11 petition, the road through Chapter 11 to its eventual liquidation, and the effects of the process on the present-day company.

1_Voluntary_Petition.pdf (386 kB)
7_Meeting of CRs filed by US Trustee.pdf (8 kB)
10_Verification of CR Matrix.pdf (19 kB)
3_20_Largest_Unsecured_CRs.pdf (195 kB)
11_CR Matrix filed by DR.pdf (38 kB)
13_Motion to Authorize Using Cash Coll_Pay Wages.pdf (342 kB)
14_Greystones Objection to Doc 13.pdf (18 kB)
18_Proposed Order to Grant Doc 13 Motion.pdf (120 kB)
19_Interim Order Granting Doc 13 Motion.pdf (43 kB)
24_Application to Employ Mark S. Dessauer as Bankruptcy Coun.pdf (769 kB)
24.pdf (763 kB)
27_DRs 2nd Motion to Use Cash Coll.pdf (475 kB)
31_Notice_Reclamation_Goods.pdf (277 kB)
35_Interim Order Granting Doc 27.pdf (45 kB)
36.pdf (1074 kB)
37_Motion to Limit Parties Receiving Notice.pdf (155 kB)
41_Notice of Appt of CR Committee.pdf (12 kB)
42_Order Granting M to Assume Exec_Lease K.pdf (105 kB)
44_DRs 3rd Motion to Use Cash Coll.pdf (459 kB)
45_Motion to Authorize Post Petition Financing.pdf (1494 kB)
46_Greystones Objection to Doc 44 (1).pdf (27 kB)
50_Teitenberg Notice of Appearance and Request for Service o.pdf (27 kB)
54_Order Granting Doc 37 Motion to Limit Notice.pdf (36 kB)
55_M to Abandon Property with Secured Party Rights.pdf (605 kB)
59_Interim Order re Doc 44 M.pdf (40 kB)
60_Interim Order Granting Doc 45 M.pdf (48 kB)
61_Order Rescheduleing Hearing on Cash Collateral Issues.pdf (37 kB)
63_Schedule A_Real Property.pdf (35 kB)
64_Schedule B_Personal Property.pdf (7057 kB)
65_Schedule D of CRs with Secured Claims.pdf (103 kB)
67_Schedule F of CRs with Unsec NonPriority Claims.pdf (1068 kB)
68_Schedule G_Exec Contracts and Unexpired Leases.pdf (84 kB)
69_Schedule H_Codebtors.pdf (30 kB)
70_Summary of Schedules.pdf (33 kB)
72_Statement_Financial_Affairs.pdf (14588 kB)
81_DRs 4th Motion to Use Cash Coll.pdf (560 kB)
93_Interim Order Granting Doc 81 M.pdf (39 kB)
94_Schedule G Amended.pdf (159 kB)
96_Schedule E Unsec Priority Claims_Amended.pdf (2400 kB)
99_Motion to Approve Financing by Critical Vendors.pdf (6903 kB)
100_DRs 5th Motion to Use Cash Coll.pdf (425 kB)
101_McDonalds RFS and Adeq Protection.pdf (7978 kB)
103_Greystone Credit Objects to Doc 99.pdf (17 kB)
106_RFS Shaw.pdf (2946 kB)
109_Interim Order Granting Doc 100 M.pdf (39 kB)
119_Proposed Order Authorizing DIP Financing and Use of Cash.pdf (214 kB)
120_Agreed Order Authorizing DIP Financing and Use of Cash C.pdf (785 kB)
128_Cummins M to Shorten Time to hear RFS.pdf (22 kB)
129_RFS Cummins.pdf (2863 kB)
131_RFS MacLean.pdf (2850 kB)
133_RFS MacLean Inc.pdf (2869 kB)
135_RFS Management Properties.pdf (3152 kB)
137_Order Granting Doc 129 M.pdf (40 kB)
138_RFS Davis.pdf (359 kB)
140_DR Declaration re Schedules.pdf (47 kB)
143_Order Granting Doc 55 M to Abandon.pdf (36 kB)
144_Motion to Reject Unexpired Lease.pdf (3198 kB)
145_Reply to MacLean RFS.pdf (55 kB)
147_Interim_App_Compensation.pdf (3643 kB)
148_Motion_Compel_Lease.pdf (160 kB)
150_RFS YA Landholdings.pdf (37 kB)
157_Order Granting Doc 13 M.pdf (44 kB)
158_Order Granting Doc 27.pdf (45 kB)
159_Order re Doc 44.pdf (42 kB)
160_Objection to RFS.pdf (274 kB)
162_Motion_Extend_Time_Rent_Obl.pdf (574 kB)
165_Proposed Order re Doc 45.pdf (186 kB)
171_Objection to RFS.pdf (438 kB)
172_M to Compel Greystone to Fund DR under DIP credit facili.pdf (552 kB)
173_Objection_Motion_Extend_Time.pdf (77 kB)
177_Final Order Granting Doc 45.pdf (46 kB)
187_Shaw Reply to Doc 160.pdf (46 kB)
190_Object_Motion_Compel_Greystone.pdf (218 kB)
215_Order denying RFS.pdf (71 kB)
216_Order granting RFS.pdf (38 kB)
217_Order_Granting_Extend_Time.pdf (101 kB)
220_Order_Employ_FBT.pdf (126 kB)
221_Order_Employ_Whieford.pdf (128 kB)
222_Order_Employ_Protiviti.pdf (111 kB)
229_F_3D_491_2-22-10_1226.pdf (236 kB)
238_Order Withdrawing M to Compel of Doc 172.pdf (36 kB)
241_Final Order Granting Doc 81 M.pdf (42 kB)
242_Final Order Authorizing M 99 and 100.pdf (5583 kB)
247_Object_App_Compensation.pdf (360 kB)
248_Stipulation and Order Hearing Continued.pdf (108 kB)
250_DR Report on Value_Operations_Profitability.pdf (2036 kB)
256_DR M for Post Petition Financing with State Lottery Comm.pdf (296 kB)
260_Change of Address Letter Filed by Edna Michael.pdf (161 kB)
262.pdf (99 kB)
263_Motion to Reject Unexpired Lease.pdf (90 kB)
264_Motion to Sell Equipment to Littlejohn Free and Clear.pdf (811 kB)
265_M to Shorten Time and Use Cash Coll.pdf (81 kB)
267.pdf (97 kB)
268.pdf (1653 kB)
271_RFS Travelers.pdf (2873 kB)
275.pdf (5291 kB)
276.pdf (3955 kB)
277.pdf (3987 kB)
278.pdf (220 kB)
279.pdf (218 kB)
280.pdf (219 kB)
281.pdf (235 kB)
284_Order_Grant_Sell_Free_Clear.pdf (104 kB)
286 _MRFS.pdf (281 kB)
288_MRFS.pdf (18 kB)
293_Amendment to List of Creditors.pdf (8 kB)
295.pdf (108 kB)
296_MRFS.pdf (384 kB)
298_Motion to Reject Lease.pdf (157 kB)
302.pdf (1355 kB)
304_Debtor's Motion to Compromise Controversy.pdf (557 kB)
305_Motion to Limit Creditors Who Receive Notice and Time fo.pdf (84 kB)
306_Objection by UCC to Motion to Limit Notice and Time.pdf (80 kB)
307.pdf (85 kB)
308.pdf (1450 kB)
315_Response_MRFS.pdf (59 kB)
316_Response_MRFS.pdf (60 kB)
317_MOL_MRFS.pdf (256 kB)
323_Supplemental Objection to UCC Objection to Limit Notice .pdf (68 kB)
336_Order Granting Rejection.pdf (36 kB)
337_Order Granting and Denying Motion to Shorten Time.pdf (34 kB)
345_Motion to Sell Free & Clear and to Use Cash Coll..pdf (276 kB)
343_Motion to Sell Free and Clear.pdf (177 kB)
347_Motion to Sell Free and Clear.pdf (172 kB)
360_Order_MRFS.pdf (40 kB)
363_Application to pay Mark Dessauer.pdf (36 kB)
364.pdf (96 kB)
365.pdf (96 kB)
369.pdf (87 kB)
375.pdf (100 kB)
392.pdf (197 kB)
395.pdf (1492 kB)
397_Debtor's Motion to Exclusivity Period.pdf (18 kB)
398_Motion to Reject Lease.pdf (14 kB)
399_Creditor's Objection to Debtor's Motion to Compromise Co.pdf (13 kB)
405_Order_MRFS.pdf (36 kB)
417_Amended Order--DIP Financing & Use Cash Collateral.pdf (685 kB)
418_Order Granting Use of Cash Collateral.pdf (72 kB)
419_Response_MRFS.pdf (15 kB)
435_Order Granting Sale of Property Free & Clear.pdf (39 kB)
436_Order Allowing Debtor to Sell Property Free & Clear.pdf (37 kB)
445_Debtor Motion to Sell Free & Clear & Use Cash Collateral.pdf (34 kB)
451_Titan Objection to Proposed Order Approving Compromise &.pdf (236 kB)
453_Titan's Motion to Appoint Trustee.pdf (19 kB)
455_Reponse to Titan's Objection to Order Approving Compromi.pdf (419 kB)
456_Tendered Order Approving Compromise and Settlement.pdf (24 kB)
461_Order Granting Motion to Compromise and Settle.pdf (50 kB)
463_Order Granting Motion to Sell Free & Clear.pdf (38 kB)
465_Motion to Sell Property Free & Clear & Use Cash Collater.pdf (98 kB)
467_Motion for Second Amend. to Order Authorizing DIP Fin. &.pdf (14 kB)
469_Affidavit Related to MRFS 405.pdf (73 kB)
470.pdf (100 kB)
471_Second Amend. to Doc. 418.pdf (63 kB)
472_Re-entry of Second Amend. to Order.pdf (344 kB)
473_Re-entry of Second Amend. Granted.pdf (790 kB)
494_Order Granting Motion to Extend Exclusivity.pdf (35 kB)
495_Order Granting Motion to Sell Free & Clear.pdf (38 kB)
496_UCC First Application for Admin. Expenses.pdf (1352 kB)
497_UCC First Application for Admin. Expenses.pdf (929 kB)
503_Order Approving Rejection of Lease.pdf (36 kB)
504_Order Inclusion of Atty. Fees.pdf (35 kB)
510_Withdraw Motion To Appoint Trustee.pdf (10 kB)
512_Motion for Authority for EE Retention.pdf (31 kB)
514_Order on Motion to Reject Lease.pdf (36 kB)
516_Order Granting Motion to Sell Free and Clear.pdf (39 kB)
521_Objection to UCC First Application for Admin. Expenses.pdf (16 kB)
522_Second Application for Compensation to HSD.pdf (2174 kB)
524_Objection to UCC Application for Atty Fees.pdf (94 kB)
525_Objection to UCC Application for Admin. Expenses.pdf (117 kB)
527_FraudConv._Compl..pdf (984 kB)
528_Order_MRFS.pdf (9 kB)
532_Motion to Sell Free & Clear.pdf (250 kB)
534_Motion to Compromise Controversy.pdf (71 kB)
536_Motion to Employ Auctioneer.pdf (132 kB)
539_Order_MRFS.pdf (36 kB)
540_Order Granting Debtor' KERP Motion.pdf (37 kB)
542_Motion for Third Amendment to Order.pdf (87 kB)
542_Motion for Third Amendment to Order (1).pdf (87 kB)
545_UCC Objection to Third Amendment.pdf (34 kB)
553_Agreed Interim Third Amendment.pdf (52 kB)
560_Agreed_Order_Continue_RFS_Hearing.pdf (62 kB)
561_Objection to HSD Application for Fees.pdf (1271 kB)
562_Motion_Auth_DIP_Use_Cash_Collateral.pdf (1370 kB)
566_Fourth Interim Amendment to Final Order.pdf (813 kB)
572_Order Regarding Proviti's First Application.pdf (37 kB)
573_Agreed Order Regarding WT&P Fees.pdf (35 kB)
574_AppCo_Opp_Memo_RFS.pdf (92 kB)
576.pdf (105 kB)
577_Order Granting Motion to Compromise.pdf (36 kB)
577_Order Granting Motion to Compromise.pdf (36 kB)
578_Order Granting Motion to Employ D. Cole.pdf (35 kB)
589_Motion to Sell and Assign Property to Highlands Petroleu.pdf (129 kB)
590_Motion to Shorten Notice for Motion to Sell to Highlands.pdf (17 kB)
591.pdf (109 kB)
592_Motion to Shorten Notice for Motion to Sell to Riggs Oil.pdf (17 kB)
593_Motion to Sell Equipment to Debbie Staffell Free and Cle.pdf (34 kB)
594_Motion to Shorten Notice for Motion to Sell to Debbie St.pdf (17 kB)
595_Memo Filed by Daniel R. Bieger on behalf of Movant Agnes.pdf (19 kB)
596_Motion to Sell and Assign Property to Robert W Agee Oil .pdf (136 kB)
597_Motion to Shorten Notice for Motion to Sell to Robert W .pdf (17 kB)
605_3d_Amendment_DIP_Cash_Collateral.pdf (116 kB)
617_Order Granting Doc 589 Sale to Highlands Pet.pdf (39 kB)
618_Order Granting Motion To Sell Free & Clear of Liens.pdf (39 kB)
619_Order Granting Motion To Sell Free & Clear of Liens.pdf (38 kB)
625_Order Granting Motion To Sell Free & Clear of Liens.pdf (39 kB)
626_Motion_Sell_Rogers_Petroleum_&_Approval_Bidding_Procedur.pdf (712 kB)
634_Order Granting Application for Compensation of Hunter Sm.pdf (36 kB)
635_Motion_Sell_Florida_Sunshine.pdf (2413 kB)
639_Motion to Sell Property to Mtn Empire Oil Co and Assume .pdf (1719 kB)
641_Motion to Sell Property To Red Hed Oil Co and Assume and.pdf (1792 kB)
643_Motion to Sell Property to Jaymadi Inc and Assume and As.pdf (1765 kB)
645_Motion to Sell Property to Jaspreet Singh and Assume and.pdf (1852 kB)
647_Motion to Sell Property To Sachin Malhotra and Assume an.pdf (1877 kB)
649_Motion to Sell Property To Greeneville Oil and Petroleum.pdf (1693 kB)
651_Motion to Sell Property To Alpeshumar Patel and Assume a.pdf (1824 kB)
653_Application for Compensation of NRC Realty.pdf (23 kB)
677_Motion_RFS_Creditor_Branch_Banking.pdf (2798 kB)
679_Objection_Motion_Sell_Florida_Sunshine_Unsec._Cred..pdf (2185 kB)
680_Objection_Motion_Sell_Florida_Sunshine_Movant_Empire_Pet.pdf (361 kB)
681_Memorandum Opinion Re 138 RFS Davis.pdf (48 kB)
682_Order_Deny_138 RFS Davis.pdf (81 kB)
683_Objection_Motion_Sell_Florida_Sunshine_McDonald's.pdf (96 kB)
685_Proposed_Order_Asset_Purchase_Sale_Assumption&Assignment.pdf (167 kB)
692_Order Authorizing Sale to Florida Sunshine.pdf (73 kB)
693_4th_Amendment_DIP_Cash_Collateral.pdf (806 kB)
694_Monthly Operating Report for Appco.pdf (3825 kB)
708_Agreed Order Withdrawing Motion For Relief From Stay.pdf (38 kB)
709_Greystone Objection to Motion to Sell to Rogers.pdf (13 kB)
715_Order Granting Application for Compensation to NRC Realt.pdf (35 kB)
722_Order withdrawing motion to sell to Rogers.pdf (40 kB)
725_Order Granting Nunc Pro Tunc Motion for RFS from BBT.pdf (33 kB)
726_Second App for Admin Expenses by OCC.pdf (2226 kB)
727_Second Application for Administrative Expenses for Proti.pdf (966 kB)
729_Empire Pet Motion to Approve Breakup Fee.pdf (2864 kB)
730_Motion to withdraw as counsel for creditor Shaw.pdf (66 kB)
731_Order Allowing Withdrawal as Counsel for Kenneth R Shaw.pdf (61 kB)
734_Application for Administrative Expenses Filed by Credito.pdf (1561 kB)
735_Disclosure_Statement_Liquidation_Plan.pdf (243 kB)
740_Order to set hearing on disclosure statement.pdf (36 kB)
767_Objection_Disclosure_Statement_Liquidation_Plan.pdf (80 kB)
768_OCC Objection to Disclosure Statement and Plan.pdf (62 kB)
769_Trustee objection to disclosure statment and plan.pdf (8 kB)
779.pdf (2034 kB)
785_Order Approving Amended First Application of Frost Brown.pdf (52 kB)
790.pdf (468 kB)
797_Motion_Compel_Greystone_Turn_Over_Proceeds.pdf (553 kB)
798.pdf (2433 kB)
801.pdf (3812 kB)
802.pdf (949 kB)
804.pdf (3349 kB)
805.pdf (387 kB)
806.pdf (2381 kB)
807_Report of Sale of Certain Property to Florida Sunshine.pdf (205 kB)
834_Amended_Disclosure_Statement_Liquidation_Plan.pdf (261 kB)
851_Order Granting Application For Administrative Expenses.pdf (32 kB)
853_Order approving amended disclosure statement.pdf (35 kB)
858_Certificate of Service.pdf (330 kB)
869_Adversary Proceeding Complaint.pdf (2269 kB)
872_VA Dept of Tax Objection to confirmation of plan.pdf (885 kB)
876_Trustee objection to plan confirmation.pdf (8 kB)
877_OCC objection to plan confirmation.pdf (53 kB)
878_CR objection to plan confirmation.pdf (99 kB)
882_Motion to continue hearing on plan confirmation (1).pdf (22 kB)
Appalachian Oil.Press Release (115 kB)
Appco After Titan.pdf (145 kB)
Appco convenience store chain to be put up for sale.pdf (51 kB)
APPCO EEs See Light At End of Tunnel.pdf (46 kB)
Appco Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy.pdf (137 kB)
APPCO History.pdf (140 kB)
Appco Home Page.pdf (214 kB)
Appco in Cash Crunch.pdf (42 kB)
APPCO Ind & Comm.pdf (100 kB)
Appco_DOCKET.pdf (52212 kB)
APPCO_logo.jpeg (10 kB)
Chart_20 Largest Unsecured Debts.xls (28 kB)
Chart_Largest Unsecured Fuel Creditors.xls (26 kB)
Chart_Other Largest Unsecured Creditors.xls (27 kB)
December_Monthly Operating Report.pdf (385 kB)
DOE.pdf (104 kB)
Greer_Bill.pdf (216 kB)
Holtz_Appco CEO Discusses Bankruptcy.pdf (205 kB)
Keeling_Appco files for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.pdf (312 kB)
New York Times.pdf (1058 kB)
Paper_Lyndsey.docx (1252 kB)
Paper_Lyndy.docx (1233 kB)
Paper.docx (1344 kB)
Paper.pdf (1439 kB)
text.pdf (8677 kB)
Titan Facing Appco Lawsuit_http-__www.timesnews.net.pdf (89 kB)
Titan Global Holding Acquisition.pdf (404 kB)
Tonto.pdf (247 kB)
Where Did the Money Go.pdf (110 kB)
