"How to Get Away with Merger: The American Airlines Bankruptcy" by Kelsey Cunningham Osborne and Christopher K. Coleman

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Publication Date


Anonymous Letter from Employee.pdf (198 kB)
Employee Letter re General Concerns.pdf (575 kB)
Letter from COO re Business Plan 2012.pdf (78 kB)
Letter from Employee re Don't Cut Pension.pdf (363 kB)
Letter re Keep Maintenance Jobs.pdf (233 kB)
Letter re Keep Pension Plan 2.pdf (238 kB)
Letter re Keep Pension Plan 3.pdf (227 kB)
Letter re Keep Pension Plan 4.pdf (311 kB)
Letter re Keep Pension Plan Agreement.pdf (101 kB)
Letter re Pension from AA Employee.pdf (195 kB)
Letter re Pension Plan 5.pdf (832 kB)
Letter re Pension Plan 6.pdf (251 kB)
Letter re Ticket Refund.pdf (195 kB)
Letter to JudgeCEOCongress re Retirement.pdf (268 kB)
Payroll Grievance (prior to petition).pdf (247 kB)
Retaliation Complaint.pdf (60 kB)
Shareholder Letter.pdf (476 kB)
AA Motion in Response to PSA.pdf (70 kB)
Goulet Statement re Business Plan.pdf (348 kB)
Transcript 42512 re Motion to Reject.pdf (588 kB)
Transcript re Trial CBA (final).pdf (340 kB)
Transcript re Trial Motion to Reject CBA.pdf (421 kB)
TWU Motion to Exclude Unsecured Creditors.pdf (3491 kB)
AA's Renewed Motion.pdf (2896 kB)
APA Objection to Renewed Motion.pdf (217 kB)
Main MoL 1113.pdf (681 kB)
MoL 1113 APFA.pdf (379 kB)
MoL 1113 Pilots.pdf (279 kB)
MoL 1113 TWU(1).pdf (312 kB)
MoL 1113 TWU(2).pdf (296 kB)
Motion to Reject.pdf (46 kB)
Objection to 1113 APFA.pdf (942 kB)
Opposition to 1113 APA.pdf (816 kB)
Opposition to 1113 TWU.pdf (490 kB)
Renewed 1113 APA final.pdf (102 kB)
UCC Statement re Motion to Reject 1113.pdf (52 kB)
AA Response to First Objections.pdf (160 kB)
Blackline between plan and amend 1.pdf (512 kB)
Blackline Disclosure plan and amend 1.pdf (847 kB)
Chap 11 Plan Amend 1.pdf (1554 kB)
Chap 11 Plan(1).pdf (1496 kB)
HP Support of Disclosure.pdf (132 kB)
Objection re EETC Aircraft Transactions.pdf (327 kB)
Objection re EETC but nicer.pdf (367 kB)
Objection to Disclosure of USTrustee.pdf (510 kB)
Objection to Plan.pdf (134 kB)
Objection to Senior Secured Notes.pdf (1573 kB)
Objection to vagueness of 9019.pdf (268 kB)
Order Approving Disclosure Statement.pdf (957 kB)
Reservation of Rights to Plan 1.pdf (321 kB)
Statement Supporting Disclosure Ad Hoc Committee.pdf (25 kB)
Support BNY (small).pdf (28 kB)
Support of Unsecured Creditors.pdf (127 kB)
Transcript of Hearing of First Plan.pdf (167 kB)
First Objection to Plan Michigan.pdf (240 kB)
Supplement B Pilot's Beneficiaries Objection.pdf (38 kB)
TWA Objection.pdf (44 kB)
UST Objection to Second Plan.pdf (483 kB)
Ballot Tabulation for Confirmation of Plan.pdf (1597 kB)
Blacklined Second Amended Plan.pdf (1366 kB)
Chap. 11 Plan 2 Amended.pdf (1550 kB)
Chapter 11 Plan Final.pdf (1461 kB)
Clayton Plaintiffs Objection.pdf (748 kB)
Disclosure Statement 2 Amended.pdf (2912 kB)
Disclosure Statement.pdf (2925 kB)
Effective Date.pdf (27 kB)
MoL in support of confirmation of second amended plan.pdf (717 kB)
REnewed Motion.pdf (91 kB)
September Order.pdf (125 kB)
Transcript Plan ConfirmationDoJ Suit.pdf (125 kB)
Transcript Second Amend Plan Confirmation.pdf (586 kB)
UCC Support of Second Amend Plan.pdf (197 kB)
UST Objection to Second Amended Plan.pdf (483 kB)
Transcript 1.pdf (250 kB)
Transcript 2.pdf (61 kB)
Transcript 3.pdf (199 kB)
Transcript 4.pdf (122 kB)
