"In re Dewey Ranch Hockey, LLC: The Bankruptcy of the Phoenix Coyotes" by Chris Rowe and Jeff Upshaw

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 2013


While only a small percentage of Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings garner the attention of the American public, a bankruptcy petition involving a “big four” professional sports franchise (NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL) is big news to the American sports world. Perhaps the reason is that few, if any, commercial entities make such a passionate connection with its customers as professional sports teams.

In comparison to the other members of the “big four”, the NHL simply does not have the same level of financial success. Almost half of the 30 NHL franchises lost money in the 2011-2012 season.[1] Of the nine “big four” franchises to file for bankruptcy in the past forty years, six are in the NHL (67%)[2]. The Phoenix Coyotes hold the inglorious distinction of being one of the six NHL franchises that has lost money every season dating back to the previous lockout of 2005.[3]

AnthonyWClark (2).pdf (260 kB)
BaldigaWilliam (1).pdf (230 kB)
Docket 292pt2 (1).pdf (1811 kB)
DocketNo4 (1).pdf (36 kB)
DocketNo5 (1).pdf (45 kB)
DocketNo23 (1).pdf (30 kB)
DocketNo29 (1).pdf (26 kB)
DocketNo47 (1).pdf (536 kB)
DocketNo49.pdf (1523 kB)
DocketNo133.pdf (168 kB)
DocketNo138.pdf (14 kB)
DocketNo141.pdf (13 kB)
DocketNo187.pdf (442 kB)
DocketNo236.pdf (229 kB)
DocketNo292.pdf (1862 kB)
DocketNo296.pdf (175 kB)
DocketNo339.pdf (615 kB)
DocketNo367 (1).pdf (95 kB)
RedfieldTBaum (1).pdf (274 kB)
SquireSandersBidsFarewelltoDempsey (1).pdf (329 kB)
ThomasJSalerno (1).pdf (219 kB)
twothirdspaycheck (1).pdf (1448 kB)
10SportsFranchisesThatHaveGoneBankruptfootnote2 (2).pdf (766 kB)
AOL (2).pdf (679 kB)
Bloomberg (2).pdf (102 kB)
CBC (2).pdf (319 kB)
DeadlinePassesWithOneBidLetterOfIntentToBuyCoyotesSportsBusiness DailySportsBusinessJournalSportsBusinessDailyGlobal (2).pdf (270 kB)
Docket1 (2).pdf (614 kB)
Docket18 (2).pdf (5200 kB)
Docket93 (2).pdf (3208 kB)
Docket320 (2).pdf (92 kB)
Docket341 (2).pdf (664 kB)
Docket408 (1).pdf (157 kB)
Docket1017 (1).pdf (928 kB)
Docket1079 (1).pdf (3115 kB)
ESPN161 (1).pdf (309 kB)
Exhibit1ofDocket316 (1).pdf (827 kB)
Footnote191 (1).pdf (458 kB)
IceEdgebowsoutofCoyotesauction158 (1).pdf (98 kB)
IfYouBuildItTheyMightNotComeTheRiskyEconomicsofSportsStadiumsPatGarofaloandTravisWaldronTheAtlantic (1).pdf (1973 kB)
JSELGauthier (1).pdf (318 kB)
Reinsdorf (1).pdf (99 kB)
ReinsdorfdropsCoyotesbidasNHLseekstobuyteam (1).pdf (100 kB)
SportsonEarth192 (1).pdf (1103 kB)
StatementofFactsDocket7 (1).pdf (669 kB)
TheNHLsBestHopeContraction (1).pdf (2280 kB)
USATODAYfootnote6 (1).pdf (274 kB)
DeweyCase edited (2).docx (586 kB)
DeweyRanch (1).docx (591 kB)
