"Leadership for the Transactional Business Law Student" by Joan MacLeod Heminway

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Transactions: the Tennessee Journal of Business Law


We do not always acknowledge this in legal education, but our students are learning to be leaders, because lawyers are leaders. That is as true of transactional business lawyers as it is of litigators, lawyers who hold political or regulatory appointments, lawyers engaged with compliance, and lawyers in general advisory practices. Yet, most law schools do little, if anything, to teach law students about leadership, or allow them to explore the contours and practices of lawyer leadership.

This edited transcript explains the importance of teaching leadership skills, traits, and processes to transactional business law students and offers insights on how instructors in a law school setting might engage in that kind of teaching as part of what they do. The transcript memorializes in written form a "Try This" session held at "Emerging from the Crisis: The Future of Transactional Law and Skills Education," the 7th biennial Conference on the Teaching of Transactional Law and Skills (hosted virtually by Emory Law in the spring of 2021). The session included interactions with the audience, reproduced in the transcript, that also offer important observations and information.

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