Volume 1, Issue 2 (2013)
Brief Note from the Editor-in-Chief
For RGSJ's second issue, we focused on discrimination against women in the workforce and the history of affirmative action in light of the Fisher v. University of Texas case that was argued in front of the Supreme Court of the United States this past fall. We also discussed immigration law, criminal procedure, and discrimination towards female athletic programs.
We hope you enjoy this issue, and please stay tuned for other upcoming RGSJ projects.
Kimel I. Fryer
Table of Contents
Kim Fryer
Allen v. Totes/Isotoner Corporation: A Cautionary Tale for Breastfeeding Working Mothers
Erin Davenport
Condorcet Defeated: A Malthusian History of Affirmative Action from Bakke to Fisher
William J. Bogard
Immigration Obstacles and the Sixth Circuit Court's Harsh Interpretation of Legal Permanent Resident Status
Justin Boitnott
Competent Translation of Hearsay
Christina Magrans