Volume 6, Number 1 (2004) Volume 6, Issue 1 (Fall 2004)
Fostering Positive Corporate Culture in the Post-Enron Era
Stephany Watson
The Death of Critical Vendor Motions and The Potential Demise of The Doctrine of Necessity: Farewell to Two Misbegotten Doctrines
Anthony Michael Sabino
Outpacing The Tempest: The Consequesnces of Basle II on Institutional Lending in Shipping Finance Transactions
Peter Measures and Angelo L. Rosa
Due Diligence and Local Business Consortiums: The Untapped Resource in Transnational Business Expansion
Christopher Jay Walker
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Gennie E. Gieselmann
- Managing Editor
- C. Damon Gunnels
- Executive Editor
- Darsi M. Newman
- Senior Commentary Editor
- Courtney M. Rogers
- News &Publications Editor
- Christian M. Craddock
- Articles & Research Editors
- Catherine C. Huie
- Stephanie Thompson
- Elizabeth Saxton
- Megan Wilson
- Adam G. Smith
- Patrick C. Woodside