College of Law Faculty Scholarship
Submissions from 2010
Politics of the Headscarf in Turkey: Masculinities, Feminism, and the Construction of Collective Identities, Valorie K. Vojdik
An Exclusionary Rule for Police Lies, Melanie Wilson
Improbable Cause: A Case for Judging Police by a More Majestic Standard, Melanie Wilson
"You Crossed the Fog Line!" - Kansas, Pretext, and the Fourth Amendment, Melanie Wilson
Submissions from 2009
Adjudicating Claims of Innocence for the Capitally Condemned in Tennessee: Embracing a Truth Forum, Dwight Aarons
A Nuts and Bolts Approach to Teaching for Social Change: A Blueprint and a Plan of Action, Dwight Aarons
Book Review: Saving Law Reviews From Political Scientists, Benjamin Barton
Saving Law Reviews from Political Scientists: A Defense of Lawyers, Law Professors, and Law Reviews, Benjamin H. Barton
The Ethics of Blawging: A Genre Analysis, Judy Cornett
Ask Not What Your Charity Can Do for You: Robertson v. Princeton Provides Liberal-Democratic Insights into Cy Pres Reform, Iris Goodwin
Common Roots, Divergent Evolution: Insider Trading Doctrine in the United States, Japan, and Germany, Joan MacLeod Heminway
Female Investors and Securities Fraud: Is the Reasonable Investor a Woman?, Joan MacLeod Heminway
Martha’s (and Steve’s) Good Faith: An Officer’s Duty of Loyalty at the Intersection of Good Faith and Candor, Joan MacLeod Heminway
Martha Stewart and the Forbidden Fruit: A New Story of Eve, Joan MacLeod Heminway
Executive Employment Agreements in Tennessee: An Annotated Model Tennessee Executive Employment Agreement, Joan MacLeod Heminway and Trace Blankenship
WANTED: Female Corporate Directors (A Review of Professor Douglas M. Branson's No Seat at the Table), Joan MacLeod Heminway and Sarah A. Walters
It's a Small World: Using the Classic Disney Ride to Teach Document Coherence, Michael J. Higdon
Oral Argument and Impression Management: Harnessing the Power of Nonverbal Persuasion for a Judicial Audience, Michael J. Higdon
Introduction to the Special Report, George Kuney
Pedagogic Techniques: Multi-Disciplinary Courses, Annotated Document Review, Collaborative Work & Large Groups, George Kuney
Student Discussion About Money and the Middle Class, George Kuney
Transactional Skills Training: Contract Drafting — The Basics, George Kuney
Unethical Protection? Model Rule 1.8(h) and Plan Releases of Professional Liability, George Kuney
A Proposal for Chapter 10: Reorganization for 'Too Big to Fail' Companies, George W. Kuney and Michael St. James
Attorney-Client Fee Agreements that Offend Public Policy, Alex B. Long
Focusing Your Firm on Ethics, Alex B. Long
Whistleblowing Attorneys and Ethical Infrastructures, Alex B. Long
Regulation and Reform of the Mortgage Market and the Nature of Mortgage Loans: Lessons from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Thomas E. Plank
Heller, High Water(mark)? Lower Courts and the New Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Glenn Reynolds and Brannon Denning
Heller, High Water(mark)? Lower Courts and the New Right to Keep and Bear Arms, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Small is the New Biglaw: Some Thoughts on Technology, Economics, and the Practice of Law, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Strip-Mining and Grassroots Resistance in Appalachia: Community Lawyering for Environmental Justice, Dean Rivkin
Protecting a Business Entity Client from Itself Through Loyal Disclosure, Paula Schaefer
Does the Rule of Reason Violate the Rule of Law?, Maurice Stucke
New Antitrust Realism, Maurice Stucke
Should the Government Prosecute Monopolies?, Maurice Stucke
Does the Rule of Reason Violate the Rule of Law?, Maurice E. Stucke
Should the Government Prosecute Monopolies?, Maurice E. Stucke
Toward A Better Competition Policy For The Media, Maurice E. Stucke and Allen P. Grunes
Toward a Better Competition Policy for the Media: The Challenge of Developing Antitrust Policies that Support the Media Sector's Unique Role in Our Democracy, Maurice Stucke and Allen Grunes
Relinquished Responsibilities, Penny White
Treated Differently in Life but Not in Death: The Execution of the Intellectually Disabled after Atkins v. Virginia, Penny White
Using Judicial Performance Evaluations to Supplement Inappropriate Voter Cues and Enhance Judicial Legitimacy, Penny White
Submissions from 2008
The Abolitionist's Dilemma: Establishing the Standards of Decency for the Evolving Standards of Decency, Dwight Aarons
Doing Policy from Below: Worker Solidarity and the Prospects for Immigration Reform, Fran Ansley
Educating Workers about Labor Rights and Global Wrongs through Documentary Film, Fran Ansley
Second Panel: Labor Markets, Income Inequality and Globalization, Fran Ansley
Second Panel: labor markets, income inequality and globalization, Frances Ansley
When Disability Isn't "Just Right": The Entrenchment of the Medical Model of Disability and the Goldilocks Dilemma, Brad Areheart
Welfare Reform, Privatization and Power: Reconfiguring Administrative Law Structures from the Ground Up, Wendy A. Bach
A Tale of Two Case Methods, Benjamin H. Barton
Is There a Correlation between Law Professor Publication Counts, Law Review Citation Counts, and Teaching Evaluations? An Empirical Study, Benjamin H. Barton
Judges, Lawyers, and a Predictive Theory of Legal Complexity, Benjamin H. Barton
Great (and Reasonable) Expectations: Fourth Amendment Protection for Attorney-Client Communications, Teri Baxter
Analysis of the Republic of Tajikistan's Draft Law 'About Freedom of Conscience and Religious Unions', Robert C. Blitt
How to Entrench a De Facto State Church in Russia: A Guide in Progress, Robert C. Blitt
Orphans Adopted Eighty-Nine Years after Conception, or, Cataloging Updating Loose-Leaf Publications, Carol Collins
Congressional Roundtable on College Endowments - Restricted Gifts Testimony, Iris Goodwin
Bills of Sale in Tennessee: An Annotated Model Tennessee Bill of Sale, Joan MacLeod Heminway
Does Sarbanes-Oxley Foster the Existence of Ethical Executive Role Models in the Corporation?, Joan MacLeod Heminway
Queer Teens and Legislative Bullies: The Cruel and Invidious Discrimination Behind Heterosexist Statutory Rape Laws, Michael Higdon
Queer Teens and Legislative Bullies: The Cruel and Invidious Discrimination Behind Heterosexist Statutory Rape Laws, Michael J. Higdon
When Informal Adoption Meets Intestate Succession: The Cultural Myopia of the Equitable Adoption Doctrine, Michael J. Higdon
A Lexical Examination and (Unscientific) Survey of Expanded Clinical Experiences in U.S. Law Schools, Becky Jacobs
Teaching and Learning Negotiation in a Simulated Environment, Becky Jacobs
Bourdieu and American Legal Education: How Law Schools Reproduce Social Stratification and Class Hierarchy, Lucille A. Jewel
Successor Liability in Illinois, George Kuney
Successor Liability in Michigan, George Kuney
Gimme Fiction: Rev. Rul. 99-6, Don Leatherman
Introducing the New and Improved Americans with Disabilities Act: Assessing the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Alex B. Long
Retaliatory Discharge and the Ethical Rules Governing Attorneys, Alex B. Long
Toward a RFRA That Works, Nicholas Nugent
Sense and Sensibility in Securitization: A Prudent Legal Structure and a Fanciful Critique, Thomas E. Plank
Answering Now What? How to Find and Interview For Your First Law Library Job, Nathan A. Preuss and Katherine Marsh
Harry Potter and the (Re)Order of the Artists: Are We Muggles or Goblins?, Gary Pulsinelli
Five Takes on District of Columbia v. Heller, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Heller's Future in the Lower Courts, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Is Dick Cheney Unconstitutional?, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
The Year of the Gun: Second Amendment Rights and the Supreme Court, Glenn Harlan Reynolds
Legal Advocacy and Education Reform: Litigating School Exclusion, Dean Rivkin
Girls in the Juvenile Justice System, Paula Schaefer
Negotiating the Mega-Rebuilding Deal at the World Trade Center: an Introduction, Gregory M. Stein
Better Competition Advocacy, Maurice Stucke
Better Competition Advocacy, Maurice E. Stucke
Conceptualizing Intimate Violence and Gender Equality: A Comparative Approach, Valorie K. Vojdik
A Response to Professor Fitzpatrick: The Rest of the Story, Penny White
Judicial Campaign Oversight Committees' Complaint Handling in the 2006 Elections: Survey and Recommendations, Penny White
"The Appeal" to the Masses, Penny White
DNA -- Intimate Information or Trash for Public Consumption?, Melanie Wilson
Finding a Happy and Ethical Medium between a Prosecutor Who Believes the Defendant Didn't Do it and the Boss that Says that He Did, Melanie Wilson
Prosecutors "Doing Justice" through Osmosis - Reminders to Encourage a Culture of Cooperation, Melanie Wilson
The Return of Reasonableness: Saving the Fourth Amendment from the Supreme Court, Melanie Wilson
Submissions from 2007
Studying the Death Penalty in Tennessee, Dwight Aarons
Regulating Cyberbullies Through Notice-Based Liability, Brad Areheart
Do Judges Systematically Favor the Interests of the Legal Profession? , Benjamin H. Barton
Do Judges Systematically Favor the Interests of the Legal Profession?, Benjamin H. Barton