As a service to members of the LSRD-SIS Section of AALL, a legal website is chosen each month that other law librarians have found to be useful for gathering legal information.
Submissions from 2004
Actual Innocence Awareness Database, Tarlton Law Library, University of Texas, Austin
The Rutherford Institute Home Page, The Rutherford Institute
United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, UN Department of Economic & Social Affairs
Official Document System of the United Nations, United Nations
GPO Access, U.S. Government Publishing Office
Submissions from 2003
Law and Politics Book Review, American Political Science Association
The U.S. Courts of Appeals Database, Don Songer Project
FLAG: Farmers' Legal Action Group, Incorporated, Farmers' Legal Action Group
Center for Religious Freedom, Hudson Institute, Inc.
Newslink, Newslink
The Supreme Court, PBS
The National Agricultural Law Center, University of Arkansas School of Law
Early Recognized Treaties with American Indian Nations, University of Nebraska
Foreign Law Translations, University of Texas at Austin School of Law
U.S. Supreme Court Databases, Washington University Law
Submissions from 2002
Alliance for Justice, Alliance for Justice
Municipal Code Library (Unicode), CivicPlus
D-Lib Magazine, Corporation for National Research Initiatives
FIELD: Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development, Foundation for International Environmental Law and Development
Senate Committee on the Judiciary: Supreme Court Nomination Hearings, GovInfo
Juristnews, Jurist/University of Pittsburgh
EarthTrends: The Environmental Information Portal, Library of Congress
International Law Commission, United Nations General Assembly
Representing Children Worldwide, Yale Law School
Submissions from 2001
Cardiff Index to Legal Abbreviations, Cardiff University
Council for Court Excellence, CCE
Congressional Research Service Reports, Congressional Research Service
EFF: Legal Guide for Bloggers, Electronic Frontier Foundation
History of the Federal Judiciary, Federal Judicial Center
State Legislative History Research Guides on the Web, Penn Carey Law School, University of Pennsylvania
Sunshine Week, Society of Professional Journalists
Frequently-Cited Treaties & Other International Instruments, University of Minnesota Law School
The Woodward and Bernstein Watergate Papers, University of Texas at Austin
Submissions from 2000
National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States, 9-11 Commission
Harmful Error: Investigating America's Local Prosecutors, Center for Public Integrity
The Harry A. Blackmun Papers at the Library of Congress, Library of Congress
CourTopics, National Center for State Courts
GlobaLex, New York University School of Law
GreenLaw, Pace University School of Law
Santa Clara Journal of International Law, Santa Clara University School of Law
Yale Journal of Law and Technology, Yale University
Submissions from 1999
The German Law Journal: Review of Developments in German, European and International Jurisprudence, German Law Journal
Nuremberg Trials Project, Harvard Law School Library
The Oyez Project, Justia Supreme Court Center
National Governors' Association Online, National Governors' Association
Reference Guide to the Geneva Conventions, Society of Professional Journalists/LII
Admiralty and Maritime Law Guide, University of Richmond School of Law
Family Resource Guide on International Parental Kidnapping, U.S. Department of Justice Office of Justice Programs
Transitional Justice in Post-Saddam Iraq & Iraqi Jurists' Association, Working Group on Transitional Justice in Iraq
The Avalon Project at Yale Law School: Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy, Yale Law School
Submissions from 1998
United Nations Documentation: Research Guide, Dag Hammarskjöld Library
Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C. Legislative Source Book, Law Librarians' Society of Washington, D.C.
Introduction to Basic Legal Citation, Legal Information Institute
Tribal Law Journal, University of New Mexico School of Law
The Journal of Law, Social Justice and Global Development, University of Warwick Law School
All That JAS: Journal Abbreviation Sources, University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries
International Religious Freedom Reports, U.S. Department of State
Submissions from 1997
Famous Trials (Formerly: Famous American Trials), Douglas O. Linder